
Viajes a medida Turquía
4 ToursVacaciones individuales y a medida en Turquía: Turquía fascina, intriga y atrae. La historia de esta tierra oriental y asiática, que también se encuentra en parte dentro de Europa, y la de sus gentes, curiosamente diferentes, y la historia de cómo se convirtió en una nación (es una República desde 1923) afectan a todo el

Viajes Culturales turquía
3 ToursCultural Tour Viajes culturales por Turquía: empecemos felizmente siguiendo las huellas de Ulises, rey de Ítaca, y dirijámonos después a un territorio aún más rico, al este (Anatolia, donde nace el sol) siguiendo aún las rutas de todos los héroes mitológicos griegos y la rica historia de esta zona de Asia: filósofos, matemáticos, arquitectos, los

Viajes acompañados
7 ToursEl guía de su pequeño grupo le revelará secretos: la riqueza de la naturaleza, la humanidad y la historia que se encuentra en Turquía: el mar, el sol, las montañas, la campiña oriental, todo hace que Turquía sea especial y se puede experimentar mejor en nuestras rutas de senderismo. En nuestro sitio web encontrará muchos

Viajes en familia en Turquía
2 ToursVacaciones familiares en Turquía: Padres e hijos estarán encantados con unas vacaciones en Turquía: ¿qué puede haber mejor? Puede optar por integrar a su familia en un grupo reducido (consulte nuestra sección «Viajes por Turquía») que siga un itinerario claramente definido con un guía local. O puede pedirnos que le preparemos un programa específico, sin
Recorridos más populares
Viajes de calidad y asequibles a todos los puntos de Turquía con Samistal Travel en Turquía
Senderismo en Capadocia
Confort Grades
# | Confort Title | Description | ||
Basic | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. | |||
Confortable | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. |
Viajes acompañados
Senderismo por el monte Ararat
Confort Grades
# | Confort Title | Description | ||
Basic | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. | |||
Confortable | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. |
Monte Ararat
Viajes acompañados
Esquí de travesía en los Montes Tauro
Confort Grades
# | Confort Title | Description | ||
Basic | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. | |||
Confortable | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. |
Monte Tauro
Esquí y senderismo
Grupos pequeños
Senderismo por la Ruta Licia
Confort Grades
# | Confort Title | Description | ||
Basic | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. | |||
Confortable | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. |
Costa Licia
Viajes acompañados
Recorrido por el Sendero de San Pablo
Confort Grades
# | Confort Title | Description | ||
Basic | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. | |||
Confortable | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. |
Ruta Licia
Grupos pequeños
Capadocia y los Montes Tauro
Confort Grades
# | Confort Title | Description | ||
Basic | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. | |||
Confortable | These accommodations will meet your basic needs with no frills. They may include mountain huts (cabins), simple B&Bs or tent camps. Sometimes located in a remote area, rooms may be shared with other travellers (including dormitory type rooms with bunker beds), and facilities might also be shared (i.e. no en-suite or private bathrooms). Despite the lack of amenities, the ones we select provide clean premises and friendly service. |
Montaña Tauro
Viaje acompañado

Su viaje a Turquía
Las experiencias de viaje más bellas que harán inolvidable su aventura en Turquía
Sumérjase en la fuerte historia del país a través de la visita de sus innumerables vestigios, testigos de un pasado turbulento que ha visto sucederse a varios Imperios. La ciudad de Estambul es un perfecto escaparate histórico que cuenta con increíbles monumentos como la basílica de Santa Sofía, por ejemplo, o la Mezquita Azul.
Descubra una cultura única y marcada que se encuentra en la vida cotidiana turca, pero también en sus monumentos, en su gastronomía, en la amabilidad de su población… Un paseo por el Gran Bazar de Estambul o por un pequeño mercado es sin duda la mejor manera de empaparse de la cultura turca..
Deléitese con una de las mejores cocinas del mundo. Rica y variada, la gastronomía turca ofrece una profusión de sabores que se pueden descubrir a cualquier hora del día en la calle. Todas las especias, aromas y colores le harán la boca agua.
Maravíllese ante la belleza variada y atípica del paisaje turco. La increíble región de Capadocia, con sus chimeneas, picos de piedra y pueblos trogloditas, le sumerge en un paisaje lunar.
Sentir la amabilidad del pueblo turco y disfrutar de la dulzura de vivir que emana del ambiente. Paseando por las calles, los parques o las plazas, se puede oír el murmullo, observar a los hombres jugando a la talva o disfrutar de una chicha en la terraza de un café, todo ello bañado por la suave luz mediterránea.
Experimente un excepcional trekking por el altiplano de Anatolia y descubra pintorescos paisajes; después, emprenda una salvaje excursión alpina por los montes Tarus, en el Parque Nacional de Aladaglar, donde podrá descubrir lagos de montaña y bosques de coníferas antes de conocer a gentes con un modo de vida secular.
Consejos de viaje
Todo lo que te preguntes sobre Turquía, está en el blog de Samistal Travel in Turkey..

De Capadocia al Mediterráneo